We can help you.

Children’s Health

Children have distinct urological needs. We understand that pediatric urology is considerably different than adult urology. There are a wide range of conditions that can affect a child’s genitals and urinary tract. Our team of dedicated practitioners can provide evaluation and treatment for many of these conditions.

Our evaluation process includes collaboration with the patient and family in a safe and compassionate manner to develop solutions. Please contact us today to schedule your child’s consultation!

(Listed below are some of the many conditions we treat.)

Common Conditions We Treat

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

The most common pediatric condition seen by urologists is a urinary tract infection (UTI). An estimated 8% of girls and 1-2% of boys will have a UTI by the time they are 5 years old. Infections are typically characterized by changes in urinary patterns (i.e. increased frequency and urgency), pain with urination or blood in the urine. If a child has more than one UTI, then he or she should see a urologist.

Bedwetting (Enuresis)

Bedwetting is a very common problem in the U.S. affecting more than 5 million children. It tends to be more common in boys than girls. In some young children, daytime wetting may also happen. It is considered a problem when it persists beyond the age at which a child would be expected to remain dry all night. It is thought to be caused by developmental delay of the bladder and urinary tract. Fortunately, most children simply outgrow the problem. Our team of experts is able to work with you and your child to learn techniques and behavior modifications to help speed the process along.

Undescended Testicle

An undescended testicle is a condition where one or both testicles fails to move into the scrotum prior to birth. It occurs in 3-4% of newborns. In most cases, the issue resolves on its own in the first year of life. When the testicle fails to move into the scrotum on its own, surgical intervention is necessary.


Hypospadias is a congenital condition where your child’s urethra does not open at the tip of the penis. Instead, the opening is on the underside of the penis. Reconstructive surgery allows the opening to be moved.

Patient Information

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